A Community of Remarketers

ARA's mission is to help our members in the remarketing community be more competitive.

Through delivery of knowledge to make business decisions, credentials to build credibility and careers, and relationships to grow revenue, engagement with ARA gives our members an edge.


Revenue growth, career advancement
through credentials and credibility

Certified Automotive Remarketer (CAR)

Composed of 20 online learning modules and accompanying tests to demonstrate key competencies, these advanced courses deliver expert instruction, leading to a credential recognized throughout the remarketing industry.
Click Here To Learn More or Sign Up


Audit & Compliance Training (ACT)

Compliance is a responsibility shared by all stakeholders in the remarketing community. This course offers two tracks, one for managers and one for employees, with topics such as information security, disaster recovery and ethics.
Click Here To Learn More or Sign Up

Advantages of Membership

Who We Are ARA's Leadership Team OUR LEADERSHIP TEAM
ARA's leadership team is composed of executives from throughout the remarketing community, including consignors, auctions and service providers. This experienced team oversees. ARA's strategic direction and delivers every day on ARA's mission to help our members in the remarketing community be more competitive.

CommitteesLEARN MORE
ARA committees provide an excellent opportunity for members to discuss and analyze pertinent matters of the remarketing industry. These committees actively engage in discussions on industry standards, performance measurements, and educational initiatives.

ARA Canada represents Canadian Remarketing Professionals dedicated to the continuous improvement of the Canadian Vehicle Remarketing Industry.

What Our Members Say

"The ARA meetings that are held throughout the year give me the opportunity to come and really learn about new opportunities that are happening within our industry."

Paul Seger Element, E.V.P. Asset Remarketing
"Use this as an opportunity to better understand the most important things that are going on in our business, share ideas & best practices, & get a chance to really collaborate & work with everyone in this industry."

Chris Clarke Holman - Remarketing Solutions, Director
"There's a reason Auction Academy partners with ARA.  Their commitment to delivering high quality training and certification raises the standard of excellence through the remarketing community."

Penny Wanna President, Auction Academy
